Saturday, November 14, 2009

We've officially moved. If you need the new website address just e-mail me, contact me through facebook, call me or get a hold of one of our family or friends.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


This is my first attempt at a scheduled post so we'll see if it actually posts. Those lovely little rainboots arrived in the mail from Aunt Megan & Aunt Molly for Jonah's birthday and we had to try them on. They have little cats and dogs on them. So cute! He'll probably wear them this spring. Toddler Jonah will be so adorable. I just picked up a couple of 18 and 24 month t-shirts for him on clearance. I figure he can wear a long sleeved shirt underneath when it is cold. I don't really have any definitive plans for this week so I don't know how busy we'll be. Matt is on call the night before Jonah's birthday and then the day after switches to his emergency medicine rotation at another hospital and does night shift. But tomorrow (Saturday) is his first day off in 17 or 18 days. That is crazy! We're all missing him (especially the dogs). The picture below is funny because Jonah has a pacifier in his mouth. Much to my dismay, he would never take a pacifier. I blame the newborn nursery who thought I didn't want him to have one. He has always been a thumb/finger sucker. In retrospect I'm glad because we never had to worry about having the pacifier with us or him dropping it and he has always been able to self-soothe really well. The only time he sucks his thumb is when he is tired and wants to nurse. So I'm sure he'll outgrow it by age 4 (after which we would have to worry about his teeth). Anyway, I found this pacifier in the drawer of his changing table and gave it to him one day to distract him so I could get him changed and he stuck it in his mouth. He doesn't actually suck on it but chews on it for a few minutes before crawling off and leaving it for the dog to take.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Torey!

It seems like just yesterday your Uncle Matt and I were sleeping on the waiting room floor awaiting your arrival. We miss you! I hope your day is filled with lots of sugar and firetrucks!

200th post!

Getting familiar with the tools of the trade. Don't worry, this is our home stethescope not used in the hospital. We've had it out because I seem to have a little pneumonia. Yep, I have horrible lungs. I've lost count of the number of times I've had pneumonia in my life.

I thought I would make my 200th post a great one but it didn't turn out that way. It is just a regular, boring one. I can't believe Jonah will be a year old in less than a week. I've been mourning his infancy. As I told Matt last night, I was so comfortable with the baby thing but now that he's moving and requires guidance in addition to his basic needs being met, I'm deathly terrified. He is giving me a glimpse of what the next year(s) will be like with fits and mischieviousness. He throws a mean fit. It starts with wrinkling up his face and screaming and then moves on to holding his breath and ends with banging his head on the floor. He continues to test me with doing things he know he shouldn't like pulling at cords and watching me the entire time. But we're also excited about how much more fun we'll have together. Last night Matt was scolding Jo for going to the bathroom on the floor (a multiple times a day occurence this week) and Jonah starting cracking up. Everytime Matt would say in a stern voice "Did you do this?", Jonah would do his belly laugh. It was so funny Matt couldn't keep a straight face.

Anyway, I thought I would get a quick post up before Jonah woke up and I hear him now. We have our first visitor coming tomorrow (Grandma Joan) and we are so excited. It will be a hard (but fun) week with Jonah turning 1 and the fact that it won't be as I imagined with all our friends and family there with us to celebrate. And because I couldn't have my 200th post be without a picture, here is our first family photo. (Edited-Added photo of Jonah) I know, I know, I look HORRIBLE. That is what pregnancy, >24 hours of labor, a c-section, TONS of fluids and narcotics do to you. Jonah looks pretty exhausted too. I do not remember this picture being taken. I don't remember much about the first day actually. I don't even remember some people visiting. Matt did get a video of me meeting Jonah for the first time. If I have time I'll try to post that in the next week. Oh yeah, I guess I would have to figure out how to get it from the video camera. Here it is and for everyone's sake, don't click on it and enlarge it. And Mom, don't you dare make this your background.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We all scream for ice cream!

He'll turn 1 in one week from today!

For some reason Jonah's nap schedule was 1 1/2 hours off today so he was napping during the time we had planned to go to Gymboree. He is usually ready to nurse and go to bed at 7 but it is 8 and he is still going strong. I hope we get back on schedule tomorrow. Matt thought he would give Jonah a little bite of his ice cream bar. I warned him that just a bite wouldn't be enough for Jonah.

A first taste...

I want more!

It's all mine!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Because I didn't have any good pictures of the little man today, here is a video. Although the quality is horrible. I think my finger must have been hitting the microphone. So, sorry about that.

I took Jonah to the Children's Museum this morning for a "Pollock-Palooza Mess Fest." Someone should have told Jonah it was about the fine arts and not the culinary arts. More paint went in his mouth than on the paper. I don't have any good pictures because I spent the whole time trying to stop him from eating the paint and brushes. Next week is dough making. I don't think we'll attend. We'll try again in a couple months. The museum is at the foot of the Space Needle. It looks like there is a lot to do around there but I hate paying for parking. We have something fun planned for tomorrow too. After Jonah's nap we are going to try to find a post office (again). I've had Torey & Taylor's birthday presents ready to go but google maps keeps sending me to residential neighborhoods when I look for a post office. Matt wasn't scheduled for any surgeries today but he still had to go in and do something. He got zero sleep on Saturday night. So he was up from 5 am on Saturday until 12 pm on Sunday. He is afraid he is becoming a black cloud because they are really busy whenever he's on call. I told him he is their Carey.